Do you have the ability to sense another's feelings, thoughts or motives ?
Do you pick up on "vibes" when you enter a room or building? This all day interactive workshop led by Cynthia Spiece and Sylvia Thompson is designed to help you enhance your empathic gifts, understand yourself as energy and help you navigate life in a more empowered and peaceful way.
You will also learn how to:
~ Differentiate Your Energy from Others
~ Know What Type of Empathic Receiver You Are
~ Set Loving and Healthy Boundries
~Break Patterns of Self Sabotage
~Cut Energetic Ties and Cords
~Ground Your Energy
~Trust Your Intuitive Hits
And More!
Join us for a day of Connection, Learning Laughter!
Cynthia Spiece
Cynthia will be giving us insights, tools and exercises in this workshop to help us better understand how to be a more empowered empath, set healthy boundries and develop habits of better self-care. She will also teach us how to understand ourselves as energy and lead us through interactive sharing of intuitional reads and also learn what kind of empaths we are.
Cynthia is an Intuitive Reader, Spiritual Counselor, and Quantum Reiki Practitioner. She has studied and taught the esoteric sciences for over forty years. She offers private readings, council, coaching and quantum reiki energy sessions. These sessions provide insight, clarity and focus into your issues of concern and areas you are desiring change. She reveals supporting and self sabotaging energy patterns by “seeing into “ your situation, getting to the root of what is going on energetically. She is the owner of RE-Imagine That~!, a business designed to assist you in becoming a closer match to who you imagine yourself to be.
Her classes and workshops have included:
Ask, Believe, Receive
Intuitive Living
Raise Your Vibes
Empower Yourself as an Empath
Deepen Your Intuition
Sylvia Thompson
Syliva will guide us into exploring new methods of protection and grounding ourselves. She will also educate us on cord cutting, as well as, show us how to move from a head to an intuitive heart space in a flash. Words of empowerment are her specialty and she will be providing us with our own personal mantra that will take us to the next level!
Sylvia is Reiki Master, Intuitive Healer, Certified Hypnotherapist
Sylvia has been involved in healing and spiritual counseling, both as a student and teacher, for over twenty five years. Whether working individually with a client or sharing wisdom as a story teller, she brings humor, insight and authenticity to all she meets. She understands and believes in the Power of the Spoken Word, the gift of the Art of Manifestation and the importance of honoring our power and gifts.
Space Limit 12 - Currently 4 left
Questions, pay by phone or for more information!
Often times when we are born into this world as an empath-sensitive-intuitive we take on the problems and feelings of others because we feel so deeply the feelings of the people around us and at a distance Learning how to manage our vibration and energy while dealing with this ability is imperative, so we do not get bogged down in the story of another and have it become our own. Usually our first tendency is to try to provide "relief" for the other because the "feeling" we are having is so intense, we ourselves need the relief from the feeling that originated from them, but feels like ours. Ever so tricky. Co-dependent and enabling behaviors can enter into this equation. Learning the skill of not looking for the feeling of "relief" by helping to fix the other, but instead go straight away into the empowerment of our own vibration, is what will be addressed In this workshop! The subtle energy fields are here for us to understand at deeper levels. Let's navigate this together! We will be offering alternatives to help with this.
Also, I am always available for private spiritual counsel or intuitive readings if you can't make it to the workshop. Phone or In-Person!
$1.50 a min.
Purchase your Minutes by clicking on the link below the Crystal Ball!
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What is RE-Imagine That! ?
RE-Imagine That! is a space I created on-line and in my healing arts studio that assists you in becoming a closer match to who you
" Imagine " yourself to be. Sometimes, in this fast paced, crazy life we realize the life we are living is not the one we dreamed of or we just feel worn down energetically with no time for ourselves or the ones that mean the most to us. Perhaps we are noticing that we are repeating the same patterns in our relationships with others and ourselves. These reflective times can bring us to a place that has yearning to RE-Invent ourselves. How do we attract to ourselves the life we want then? I believe...
Through the many services offered, my intent is to help you easily shift into a space where you are BEING what you want to SEE in your world...thinking and feeling as if you already ARE LIVING YOUR DREAM LIFE. Here, you will find yourself the empowered, balanced, loving spirit and person you were designed to be….By tapping into you and what dreams you have for your life, I take you through an imagination process called;
" RE-Imagining You"
Your Story
This process will shift you from your current story into the future you! It is a reality that is waiting for your arrival! We will identify the areas in your life that are depleting your energy systems. Uncover beliefs that bind and blind you and create a script, mantras and a space that supports the new you. All with your unique energy systems balanced, once again.You may also want to combine an intuitive reading and some of my healing processes (Quantum Reiki), freeing you into greater awareness and clarity. One or a combination of all, are my offerings to you.
To get a deeper understanding of my services and prices..scroll down to MY OFFERINGS and click on them!
"Make your future dream a present fact by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled "
Neville Goddard
Our imaginations are our most vital tool in creating our world. Our inner thoughts and feelings translate into our imaginations, creating a story we tell ourselves about our world – these thoughts are forms of energy and attract back to us the same, thereby creating what we are “seeing” in our world. What I call out-splaying.
Let me give you a simple example: look up from reading this and scan the room you are in. Do you realize that everything you see first started as a thought? Then it turned into something physical, a physical manifestation of the imagining. So as we look at our life we can see that everything in our world is the physical manifestation of thought. By aligning our thoughts and feelings with what we intend and then become that very intention, we create a life that is rich with people, situations and things that will carry us and those around us to our greatest and highest calling. As with‐in, so with‐out. I read this quote once.." The feeling is the is heard and it is answered " Asking ourselves, what are we feeling? Our thoughts are creating that what are our thoughts throughout the day, comprised of?....
Are the majority of our thoughts///feelings telling us stories of victimhood, lack, low self worth and confusion? Need we wonder why we are seeing that out-splaying in our world in people, and situations? If we have a lot of joyful, focused, positive and "there is plenty of everything " thoughts/ feelings running through our day, yes, you will see that out-splaying in our world, as well.
I believe it is all energy and warring with ourselves creates wars in our world.
Let's Imagine Peace.
A Peaceful You.
A Peaceful Me.
Soooooo...with that all being said, watch your thoughts and feelings today.
What story are they telling you?
If my beliefs and offerings are something that resonates with yours, give me a call and lets get started!!
I was recently motivated by this quote by Marianne Williamson:
" Your life is a like a script to a movie, with you both writing each scene, as well as, playing the lead role. With every line in every scene, you're deciding how to play the character. (Make it Oscar-worthy!) "
I am an Intuitive Reader, Spiritual Counselor, and Quantum Reiki Practitioner. I have studied and taught the esoteric sciences for over forty years. I offer in-person, over the phone and remote private readings, spiritual council, coaching and quantum reiki energy sessions. These sessions provide insight, clarity and focus into your issues of concern and areas you are desiring change. I reveal supporting and self sabotaging energy patterns by “seeing into “ your situation, getting to the root of what is going on energetically. I am the owner of RE-Imagine That~!, a business designed to assist you in becoming a closer match to who you imagine yourself to be.
My classes and workshops have included:
Ask, Believe, Receive
Intuitive Living
Raise Your Vibes
Empower Yourself as an Empath
Deepen Your Intuition
Email me @
Ring me @
Thank you for visiting my site!
Peace and Loverly RE-Imaginings!
Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
~ The Upanishads
I have been receiving readings from Cynthia for many years, and
also know of others who have been fortunate to work with her. The range
of Cynthia's intuitive expertise covers a wide spectrum. She's been
able to help me with health concerns, honing in on what the problem is
and the best way for me to address the issue. Her acuity is remarkable
when giving readings regarding personal situations. Her kindness and
non-judgmental attitude always makes me comfortable in asking her
anything. Most recently she gave me information about a dear friend who
had passed away. What she told me was so spot-on, even describing my
friend's mannerisms and speech patterns. My deceased friend had a
wonderful message to share through Cynthia that was a great help with
our grieving process. Cynthia's highest mission in this
lifetime is to help others with her gifts of intuition and keen
perception. She is very dedicated to her own spiritual growth and to
the spiritual growth of those who seek her help.
T.Gray-Wabash, IN
I was in a toxic and unhappy relationship and could not break myself free from it. I was swimming in self-doubt and guilt. I had many over-the-phone life scripting sessions with Cindy. She helped me RE-write my new script about myself, taught me how to make my intention list, provided me with powerful mantra’s, and gave me timely reading recommendations. She also worked with me on some visualization techniques relating to my intention list. I learned that by saying
" no " to things that were not working for me, was really like saying yes to the things that wanted to work in my life! All of this has led me to a wonderful new lover and a dream living situation. It has taken a year and a half to rise out of the ashes of my crazy creations into this new empowered life! I often refer Cindy as my guru, as she has this gift of being able to say just what I need to hear, at just the right moment I need to hear it. Thank you Cindy for helping me change my life.
B. Randall ~ Atlanta, GA
Meryl Meyer - Chicago, IL
ENERGY RE-Alignment and Healing ( Quantum Reiki )
As I stepped into Cindy's healing sanctuary, it was as if I immediately was graced with a divine presence. At the time, I was on the precipice of a big life transition. I came with tension and narrowed eyes, as if letting go of control was the last thing I would be willing to do. Being my first quantum- reiki session with her, I had no picture of the magnitude of comfort that is imbued in her healing art. Cindy has such a graceful way of combining the sacred traditions of quantum touch and reiki with a relate-able and sparkling disposition. By the time that the session was ended, I was experiencing an amazing sense of communication with my body and spirit. Cindy helped me look into my own light and connect with the parts of myself that held true strength. It is my wholehearted belief that Cindy helped open my heart and my eyes at a time in my life where having them closed would have been detrimental to the big changes that I was moving towards. I am so grateful to be able to be the conduit for the light that moves through me and back into the web of love she helped remind me that I was a part of.Meryl Meyer - Chicago, IL
More Testimonials
Click Here
Summer Schedule
Grand Rapids...Lancing MICHIGAN AREA
Workshop-Wednesday July 13th
Readings or Reiki Sessions
July 7th-14th
Booking Now with Cynthia!
We get what we think about. We get what we feel about.
We get what we focus on. We get what we are.
What we think, feel, say, do and are make up our vibes!
in this workshop we will explore how our vibration is bringing to us what we are seeing in our life. How vibes attract similar vibes. we will learn a technique to release the pain and struggle vibes of the past and create a ‘raise your vibe” plan for the future! Happiness, freedom and peace are, our birthright. Join us, as we explore how to create those vibes with-in ourselves NOW so that we can see and experience them in our future!
This workshop includes a high-vibe lunch too!
You can register and pay below
or by calling Cynthia Spiece 928.257.9588
or Susan Dolphin 616.799.0359
Payment must be made in full prior to workshop.
Warning! There will be laughter, dancing, journaling, sharing, high vibes, low vibes and all beauty in between!
Workshop will be held at 1491 Shady Lane Dr. Greenville, MI ( Turk Lake )
I am an Intuitive Reader and Quantum Reiki Practitioner. I have studied and taught the spiritual and esoteric sciences for over forty years. I offer private readings, spiritual counsel, and quantum reiki sessions, providing insight, clarity and focus into your issues of concern. I will reveal supporting and self sabotaging energy patterns by “seeing into’ your situation. I gets to the root of what is going on energetically and what may be needed to achieve your desired outcome. I am is the owner of RE-Imagine That! A business designed to assist you in becoming a closer match to who you imagine yourself to be. I holds workshops and classes which have included;
Ask, Believe, Receive
Intuitive Living
Raise Your Vibes
Empower Yourself As An Empath
Deepen Your Intuition
I am available for in person and over the phone readings, spiritual counsel and quantum reiki sessions.
My fee is 1.25 per min. with a 20 min. minimum.
For this Summer Midwest Tour I offer my services at 1.00 per min.
JULY 7th-14th
Booking Healing and Reading Sessions Now!
Cynthia Spiece
July 21st-31st
The Body Connection
999 Manchester Ave.
Wabash, Indiana
(Special Discounted Pricing)
Thank you for visiting my site!
Peace and Loverly RE-Imaginings!
Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
~ The Upanishads
Cynthia Spiece is not a doctor, psychologist, or legal professional but rather an Intuitive Reader and Healer.
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